HEY! I just got back from our school trip to the beach. It's only about 70 degrees here, so I wore jeans and a sweatshirt (many layers) but it ended up being warm enough to swim at the beach. I only stood at the edge of the water in shorts and a t-shirt because I am a wuss and didn't want to get cold. The beaches here are beautiful, but the waves are SOOO high. I can't imagine getting into the water with the waves being so much higher than your head. In a few weeks I'm going on a "surfing lesson weekend" where they take you to the lessons, teach you for 3 days to surf. I'm thrilled and cannot wait. I keep telling myself surfing will be my new calling (but I saw people taking lessons today at the beach and I'm guessing I'm not going to be very good at it for awhile). It'll be a fun experience (as long as I'm out of the water before all the sharks come!) While we were at the beach we saw multiple helicopters fly overhead. Finally somebody asked why & they said they are shark spotters. That was some what of a relief, but slightly scary too.
I finally met another physical therapy student today (from Hilton Head, NC). I was so shocked b/c everybody here is either law or psychology students. I feel like I'm somewhat normal now that I'm not the only PT student! YEAH! I know this makes me a dork, but it's comforting.
The trip to the beach was our last adventure of "Bond Week" (Orientation week) & we'll start classes on Monday. I'm really excited to start classes & get things rolling. I've already changed one of my classes so I feel like I'm back at SLU all over again. I'm glad will be able to get a variety of classes here & still be able to learn about the Australian history/culture. I am also thrilled that I'll have a 4ish day weekend and I'll be able to relax and travel is I want to. There are so many different beaches and tourist places around Gold Coast, we won't have to travel far so a lot of sight seeing.
Most of you know I've been very homesick, but it's getting better. I've talked to Ryan quite a bit on the web cam (through Skype) & it's much better than just e-mail. Being able to see someone makes the world of difference. I've been talking to my Mom & Dad on MSN (My mom is getting used to the computer thing-I can only imagine what that is like). She'll be a computer whiz before I get home! Don't get me wrong, I still love receiving e-mails from everybody back home. It's so different not knowing how the football team is doing or what's going on back at SLU. Any news or updates from home are much appreciated. I don't like the feeling of being cut off from home (it's somewhat frightening).
I know some of you have said you've tried to comment on my blog, but I believe you have to have an account (which takes about 1 minute) to create if you want to do that. I'm trying to keep this updated, so bare with me if I fall behind. It's kind of fun to just write about all the stuff I'm doing & uploading pictures. I have a million pictures from the beach today, so I'm going to have to sift through to find a few to put on here.
I miss everyone & hope to hear from you soon!
P.S. I found a 7-Eleven & McDonalds today-it made me feel like I was back in the states :)
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