Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off & Running!

Wow, I fell a little behind once classes started. It is now Thursday afternoon & we started classes on Monday. I only have class Monday thru Wednesday, so I get a little break at the end of the week. My classes seem as if they will be fun and educational. I am really looking forward to the photography subject (although, I'm not the most artistic person, so we'll see what comes of it). My forensic psychology class is also very interesting & because I already love Law & Order shows, this gives me more of a truthful stance. My other two classes are my Australian studies. I have a history as well as a popular culture class. I figured if I'm going to be in Australia, I should be learning about their culture and background.

Now that classes have started and I have quite a bit to read and do, the home sickness isn't nearly as bad. I will say, I still have my moments and wish I was back home. Being away like this really makes you appreciate your friends and family & not take the time you get to see/speak to them for granted. I am very appreciative of this experience, but I still miss everyone back home. I like to keep all the cards/letters up in my room, as well as pictures to remind myself I am not really alone, just half across the world for awhile.

There are some random pictures I took around campus. I thought this flower was neat so I thought I'd include it today :)

I've decided to include "Aussie words" on all my blogs now. They do have a different way of saying some things, so when I notice them or remember to include them, They'll be on there too. Some are quite strange, but others are pretty interesting.

Aussie word of the day: Rice Bubbles (Rice Crispies)

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